This is a reflection of my 2023 year of English, how I went, how I could improve and what next.
Earthquakes have been a re-occurring natural disaster which can have extravagant impacts on people’s lives and are a substantial problem that occurs around many countries and civilizations around the world. We have been tasked with the project of creating an earthquake-resistant building from spaghetti and blue tack which can survive an earthquake simulator and a weight test.
The Year 8 English Program has given me the opportunity to Collaborate and work with different people, using the ASC Capabilities during tasks and projects.
The 2022 Illuminate Year 8 Transition Celebration provided us with the opportunity to express our talents and passions and to try something new and present what we had been working on in Project X this year. I was involved in the Dance Performance and a Singing Performance and enjoyed showcasing my skills.
This is my Science Geeks Video Competition EPortfolio entry. Created in 2022.
This is my Brutalist Architecture Project Reflection for Art. Created in 2022.
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