After being assigned the novel, ‘The Giver’ we learned that there is no “perfect” society, still our generation can strive to improve the liveability of an area while implementing sustainable practices. We were given the opportunity to create and propose an idea to Ms Nicole Lockwood, a consultant in urban renewal who works with Infrastructure, Planning, and the Regional Development of an area, which connects to improving the liveability of Fremantle Port. Our task was to brainstorm our ideas of a ‘Utopian’ community while applying the liveability factors and considering work, live, play to our research and design. Our idea was to design two botanical domes inspired by the Cloud Forest exhibit in Singapore. We decided to focus on the green space in Fremantle, improving air quality, whilst acknowledging the traditional owners of the land. Project Utopia gave us the opportunity to design, innovate and the experience to connect with other students and experts from the community.


Fremantle Port Redevelopment
Our inspiration: Cloud Forest, Singapore


The 3 UN Global Goals featured in our design

The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals are a group of seventeen goals and a call to action to protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. As Environmental Captain last year, I felt a strong connection with the biodiversity included in this project. Throughout this project, I learned about sustainability and its importance. Sustainability is meeting our own needs while preserving the environment for future generations. The three goals we chose to represent in our design were Zero Hunger, Good Health and Wellbeing and Decent Work and Economic Growth. Zero Hunger will be included in the cafĂ© part of our design, selling foods to the community, and donating excess food to the homeless, providing food and nutrition to the less fortunate within the community. Good Health and Wellbeing will be enhanced from the native plants inside the dome, providing fresh air and a calming effect on the mind to all guests. The last Global Goal we included in our design was Decent Work and Economic Growth. Our proposal will supply jobs such as tour guides, gardeners, and hospitality creating job opportunities for locals. We would like Fremantle to be a sustainable and convenient area, which is why we must consider the UN Global Goals in our design. The Global goals are implemented in all factors of designing and infrastructure and must be considered in every project.

The 17 UN Global Sustainable Development Goals
The ASC Capabilities Wheel

The ASC Capabilities help us make a positive difference in ourselves, our community, and the world. We used these skills throughout our project, enabling us to work productively while producing some innovative ideas and workable solutions to improve the liveability of the Fremantle Port redesign. The Capabilities that I used throughout my contribution to this group project were Collaboration, Resilience, Organisation, Creativity, Problem-Solving and Leadership. In this project, I collaborated when working with my team to find solutions. On the showcase, families and community members brought feedback that we discussed and took on board.

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The team Collaborating in Innovat[ED]

We also engaged with Ms Nicole Lockwood, former Mayor of Fremantle Brad Pettitt, Executive Director of FORM Tabitha McMullan and Consultants in Sustainability, Georgia Scott, and Grace Ferraz. These business executives provided us with feedback and strategies to solve our challenges and introduce new ideas. We received many helpful and constructive recommendations from Georgia and Grace such as the water source could be stored in tanks behind the cafĂ©. We prepared a script and presented our ideas to our family and the community. I gained Resilience through public speaking which was a challenge for me since I wasn’t confident enough that I knew my speech off by heart. When I presented it, my lack of confidence showed when mainly looking down at my palm cards. By the time that it got to the showcase, my resilience was evident. Through establishing my resilience with practice, I hope to develop my skills for future Oral Presentations.

My team presenting to the cohort during the Oral Presentations

Organisation was a part of this process through researching, completing, and submitting work on time. I learned that Organisation is an essential part of the design thinking process.

We visited Fremantle Port, gathered information, researched, and allocated what each member of the group would do. One of my talents is creativity. I loved working on our vision board, making it look exciting and appealing for our sales pitch. As an artist, I saw the importance of incorporating our Indigenous culture while exhibiting their talent in our design of the botanical domes by including native plants, storytelling, and Aboriginal artwork. One of the obstacles that my group had, was problem-solving.

Problem Solving

We had to think about how we were going to provide water to the domes and the energy source. This research was time-consuming, and we all found it challenging to find a solution that followed our sustainability and environmental goals and keeping our design economically possible. This whole project was ‘trial and error’ when finding new ideas that were possible and achievable. Leadership is vital in a group project where everyone has a part. I used my leadership skills to keep my group on track, away from distractions and move our project forward. The ASC Capabilities are a great tool to guide us to work effectively to complete this project and help us in the future.

Communicating with Mr Steven Pratt MP

We are very thankful for this opportunity that Ms Nicole Lockwood provided us. It was a fantastic chance to be involved with a fundamental live requirement to redevelop Fremantle Port. I gained many skills from this project, such as being a leader and taking on board other people’s ideas. Our research taught me more about the importance of sustainability and why we need to plan for the future.

Planning for the future

This project allowed me to express my creativity and love for the environment. The ASC Capabilities and Design Thinking Process will be principles that I will use going through the rest of my years of being at the college and further. Receiving feedback is such an important part when considering changing an environment that will impact many people. This project allowed me to express my creativity and love for the environment. It was an inspiring opportunity to be included in, and I look forward to seeing the new Fremantle Port redesign. Some skills that I have learned and will develop over the future are practising public speaking, the basics of biology, how to work in a team, and how many people have different likes and dislikes, which you must always consider in all aspects of redesigning things for the future.

Thank you!