For this project we had to test and prototype ideas of earthquake resistant buildings and eventually make one that we would test for our final test. We had to problem solve and think outside the box like a real engineer would. It required a lot of patience and got annoying when the prototypes weren’t working, and we were failing. We were given spaghetti and a certain amount of blue tack. Overall, the project started off quite slow and irritating, but once we adjusted and found a good idea it became pretty good.
We were allotted $60 to spend on spaghetti and blue tack for the engineering process in order to build the structure. Spaghetti was sold for $1 every 25 centimetre piece, and blue tack cost $1 per gramme. Together with my group, I spent $44 on 44 spaghetti sticks and $16 on 30 grammes of blue tack. The only part of our construction that fell over was the bottom since it wasn’t very solid because we ran out of blue tack so couldnt reinforce it very well, but other than that, it passed with ease. We managed to reach the required height of 60 cm. Some changes I would make to this experience more enjoyable would be more building time and if we could build more but if not then I would give us a bigger budget to make it look better. e.