The process we went through to create our production
The process of creating this film took place over a semester. This film was created like most films you have watched were made. We spent a couple of weeks making the story. After we spent more time storyboarding and writing the script. Over 8 weeks we filmed every scene of the film (this is evident if you look at everyone’s hair). We then edited the film into its final version for viewing
How we come up with the original idea
Our idea was one I had wanted to create for a while. I wanted it to be a skit-type film more focused on comedy than on the story. The story did however evolve through the given theme of the project. These evolutions included making the monster a shadow and adding a lightbulb moment. These additions both came from the theme of illumination. The individual scenes also became what they are through the input of other team members.
Three obstacles or challenges that we encountered when creating our production
We faced some obstacles in our production and here are some of those issues and how we overcame them.
During the beginning of production, the film lacked story and motivation and was hard to follow why characters did certain actions. We Solved the problem by after production had finished adding and re-filming story-based scenes.
During filming, we had the issue of the missing crew on some filming dates. to overcome this issue we allowed the members of the cast with low amounts of scenes to fill in those situations.
The final major issue we had was how to implement the shadow monster into our film and the time it would take. to overcome this we decided to use a more modest version than we originally intended for the monster. This allowed more time for the other aspects of the film.
What we would do differently next time
for our production we are all very happy with the final result, however, we all believe that there is some improvement that could be used for our next production. One of our major improvement would be to utilise more music and sound design. we believe that this change would add more depth to the viewing experience and give the viewer something to be entertained by when the visuals are at a slow point. We also believe that it would more emotion to scenes allowing us to show the desired emotion to the audience.
What do you think the final presentation meant and represented?
The final presentation had a profoundly symbolic reason for its different aspects. The presentation’s theme was illumination and a lightbulb moment for the media group. The way the films were presented was by having three screens playing at the same time with fog covering the screens. This made it so the viewer could not focus on one particular screen, making the viewer often switch between screens. I believe that this represents how we can never truly focus on any aspect of entertainment or art in our technological world as we have constant distractions trying to grasp our attention.