What is the Project utopia? For our utopia project we got into groups and worked together to create a perfect community. Many people have tried but failed to make a perfect community. So why not give a bunch of year 7s a go. We have been working on this project in innovate ED, English, HASS and Science.Some things that worked well for me were how well I could use co-spaces it allowed me to create the things I wanted to. A good exaple of this was the school I built I got lots of cool details in that I couldn’t have put in if was a physical model.

Some things that worked well for me were how well I could use co-spaces it allowed me to create the things I wanted to. A good exaple of this was the school I built I got lots of cool details in that I couldn’t have put in if was a physical model.

Aisha and I also had some great opportunities to work with the experts. In this photo we are getting advise on what we can do to improve our utopia, from one of the experts. This gave Aisha and I lots of ideas to expand our utopia, at this time we hadn’t built much. we had only recently finished planing and researching.

This is our constitution
We started our project utopia earlier than we even knew back 2 terms ago when we read and were assessed on the book the giver. The Giver was about trying to create a perfect community, but it was only making things worse. Once we had finished being assessed on the giver, we moved on to researching what makes a utopia, and what the giver did wrong. We researched 3 livability factors I researched environmental quality, education, and community. After that, we started to sketch what we wanted our utopias to look like. Next, we go to refining and making sure all the details were there, we discussed with our partner and mashed the ideas together. That’s when we were ready to start building. When we had time in class we would work on other things like the constitution for our community.

So, what I learned is that it is better to get the big things out of the way at the start and then get into the nitty-gritty details. Also finding a partner that won’t get distracted or that will distract you as it is important to focus and get work done. But, throughout all the madness I am happy with how Aisha mines Project Utopia turned out.