During term 3 of 2021, I was very lucky to have the opportunity to go North to Kalbarri with my cohort for a 6-day exciting camping experience. During this time, I left my warm, cosy bed and my phone all back at home while I embarked on an adventure with none of those materialistic things at side ready for use. Not being able to sit down on the couch and watch TikTok on my phone really pushed me out of my comfort zone during camp. During this time, I was presented to numerous challenges which helped me build on some very important key skills, which I will use in the future. Leadership was one of the key skills that this experience helped teach me.
‘Leaders don’t create followers; they create more leaders’ – Tom Peters
I used leadership in many forms during camp such as helping my 3-man group organise ourselves. While we were packing up our tents, a group member of mine ran into some problems while he was packing up the poles for the tent. I helped show him the way by showing him the proper way to put the poles in the complex packaging. During the all-day expedition down into the gorges at Z-bend, in our 18-person group, I was at the front with the gorge’s supervisor helping the rest of my peers down through hard and tricky parts. In the gorge system, there was a waterfall area where there were many slippery rocks. I used leadership to help lead the group down the slippery path. There were many other incidents at camp where I used the skill: leadership. With no doubt, From the bus ride to Kalbarri to the last day at camp, I used leadership the whole program.