In the Humanities course in year 10, we were able to choose and research a project of our choice to showcase at the final exhibition in term 4. The topic Amelia and I have chosen is Civics and Citizenship. I was very happy when we chose this discipline as there are so many things we could do. We decided to focus on a cold case, specifically the murder and disappearance of a family.
So far, we have completed our 10 annotated references, made a rough timeline of what we need to do each week, and started generating ideas of what our presentation might be. Our plan for continuing this project in term 4 includes completing notes on the links we have found and creating our presentation. The sheet below is a planning document which helped up come up with ideas about what we wanted to focus on and how we wanted to present. Also, it allowed us to think about what steps were involved and to reflect on some key values which we needed throughout this project.
A few key values that we need are communication, problem solving, creativity, organisation, and collaboration. Communication is very important as we need to make sure everyone knows what they are doing and when we need it done by. Creativity is needed as we are creating our own project and want it to be interesting and unique. The other value that we need is problem solving, there is no doubt that we will come across bumps in the road, but we need to find solutions so we can continue on with what we are doing.

Our timeline below is only a preliminary draft and may change as we progress further along in this project. We will update our timeline in term 4 and outline what we will be doing in more detail. Even though it is only a rough draft, the timeline will help us to stay on track and to make sure we aren’t falling behind.

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