I had the amazing opportunity in 2021 to be an Anglicare Ambassador. Anglicare is a not-for-profit organisation that help people in a time of crisis. They offer 89 services that support people struggling with a range of issues including poverty and homelessness, domestic violence, grief, and mental illness. Through my role, I was able to learn a lot more about what Anglicare does and also plan and run fundraisers to raise money and awareness for the organisation.
Through my role, I had the opportunity to attend a program where I learned about the amazing work that Anglicare does, and a training session. One of my favourite events was the annual Anglicare Sleepout where we partook in a simulation activity and slept rough for the night.
I also had an amazing opportunity later in the year to assist the Year 2’s with packing hygiene packs that would go to people in need. I was also able to be a part of the Morning Street Team where I went to the Salvation Army Cafe and helped with servicing food and coffee to the people who needed it most.
As a group, we also planned and ran our Fundraiser, Anglicare Day. Students were allowed to wear a jumper of their choice for a gold coin donation and there was a sausage sizzle at lunch. For a few weeks before the event, we had a tipping-style fundraiser happening where students could put money in a jar for the teacher they wanted to see have funky hair-sprayed hair.
Overall, this was a really great experience that showed and highlighted to me the struggles that homeless people go through each day, but also how I may be able to help.
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