The Prosses

To start the project we first brainstormed. We came up with many ideas. We settled on a sitcom. After a while I suggested the idea of Big Bang Theory but opposite. Then as a group we extended the idea and came to the idea of The Flat Earth Society. We then started work on the script, which was a group document. We set scenes to do for each of us and then communicated to each other to get rid of plot holes. After the script was done we then went on to the filming. This was the longest of all the steps. It was very time consuming. We wanted to get the scenes as perfect as possible but some suffered because of this. The next step was the editing. The construction of the movie. We added laugh tracks and transitions to make it feel like and sitcom.

How we came up with the idea

We brained stormed. We knew we wanted to do make something funny. The best way to do that is with a sitcom. You can fit a lot of jokes into a sitcom. We then struggled to come up with a idea for a sitcom. We originally were taking ideas from sitcoms like Friends and Big Bang Theory, but then I came up with the idea of just doing a sitcom but backwards.

Obstacles and Challenges

Team work was probably the biggest challenge with the project. We did not get together outside of school until the end of the filming stage of the project. It was very difficult to discipline ourselves to work as a team and we would quite often stray of the task and let one person do the work. However, as the project went on we found a way to keep ourselves busy by setting tasks for us to do at the start of the lesson. This helped a lot and it would have been very beneficial to do this at the start of the project. Another challenge was organising meet ups. Much like the last example it got better throughout the term. It was very hard to find a date that everyone suited.

What I would do differently next time

The main thing I would do differently is to do a easier film to make. The school does not have the right resources to make a good sitcom. We defiantly needed to make a movie that could be done with the things available to us. The cave was helpful in this process but for a sitcom you need a full fledged studio.

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