One of the first things to do in this project was to understand what we were doing. We had to understand the problem and understand the type of solution we have in mind.

So thankfully to help us understand more we went on an excursion to Fremantle port. Each member in our group went to different locations in the port. I went to the letter sheds. After the excursion, each member of our group came together and shared the new information we had received.

It was very important for us to see the environment that we were designing. I loved seeing the incredible view from the top of the Fremantle Port building.


The next step was to create ideas that could possibly be used in our final design. This ranged from building ideas to entertainment. My group struggled to think of new and exciting ideas so we did an activity. This activity is called 100 ideas in 10 minutes. It makes us be creative and very random.

We created some crazy ideas!


After deciding on what ideas we were going to focus on we started to plan. We planned many things. We planned where pictures would go. We planned what sort of buildings we would include. We planned what Plants and gardens we would include in our design. We spent many weeks creating a basic idea of how we would present our design.

We also decided what jobs would be done by who. We first laid out all the jobs we needed to get done by week 9. Then we assigned each job to different people. we tried our best to evenly share our workload.

Final Product

After almost a term of work, we have our final product. We have lots of pictures but also some words. We do not have many words because we know that people don’t want to read, they want to see. I am very proud of our final product!