The cake task was a very successful event held at the CPA. The purpose of the task was for pairs to design and bake a celebration cake. We had to research ideas, bake the cake, and design the outside with buttercream and decorations of our choice.
My contribution to this task was helping to bake our cake. The cake my partner and I made was a marble cake, with a dark chocolate drip, chocolate shards and rimmed with buttercream rosettes. I helped pick out the design for the cake and helped research for inpirastion

The event, was very successful overall. Everyone enjoyed their share of food and around 90 people came including staff and students. Scones and muffins we prepared earlier in the term where also provided, along with sausage rolls and drinks.
I think that next time, my partner and I could be more efficient as we where in a rush to finish. I think a lot was learnt through this task and I think I have developed a lot of knew skills.