The biggest takeaway from this task, is that nothing is more important than your focus. Even if you aren’t the most comfortable driver, your focus is still more important, because it means that you have all your attention on the road.
One piece of advise I can give to all young drivers, is to always keep your focus on the road. A message or a call from a friend is never as important as keeping yourself and other safe from injury. If you’re on the phone with someone while driving, make sure it doesn’t take your attention of the road, make sure to stay focused and concentrate. Young drivers won’t be as confident in the skills, and making errors such as losing focus can result in harsh consequences for yourself and other drivers around you.
When I start driving I will make sure I am confident enough with my skills, until then I will keep practicing especially at night hours, to ensure I am confident enough to drive safely. Driving at night is important to me since I am busy afters schools most days, meaning I need to ensure I am not fatigued at night. This helps create a safer road for myself and for the others around me, decreasing the likely hood of a road fatality.