As part of our 2023 health curriculum, our school had the honour of being invited by RAC to take part in their annual “BSTREETSMART” event, which was held at RAC Arena, during the first term of Year 10. This heavily attended event brought together numerous schools with a special goal of educating students in grades 10 through 12 about the severe repercussions connected with speeding, driving while intoxicated, and driving while distracted. The actual presentation of a real-life occurrence that resulted from risky behaviours caused by peer pressure, drinking alcohol, and socialising with friends was the event’s standout moment. After this powerful reenactment, a number of invited guests addressed the podium to discuss the dangers of reckless driving from their own personal experiences. At the event’s conclusion, frontline employees shared their own stories and provided insightful advice on how to quickly avoid engaging in such risky behaviours.
Dr. Sudhakar Rao, the respected Director of the Major Trauma Unit at Royal Perth Hospital, gave one of the most important lessons I took away from the RAC ‘BSTREETSMART’ event. Dr. Rao gave us in-depth explanations of the physical harm caused by auto accidents as well as the short- and long-term effects that may have a significant impact on not only the victims but also their families. Additionally, representatives from companies like Headspace and Happiness Co. gave their opinions on the social, familial, and personal effects of reckless driving. These moving stories made a lasting impression on me and changed the way I saw how one moment can drastically change the course of one’s entire life.

My Advice to Young Drivers

One piece of advice I would pass on to young drivers above all else is to always prioritize safety and responsible driving. This advice is crucial because young drivers often lack experience and may be more prone to taking risks or being easily distracted behind the wheel. By consistently practicing safe driving habits, such as obeying traffic laws, avoiding distractions (such as texting or using a phone while driving), and maintaining proper vehicle maintenance, young drivers can greatly reduce the risk of accidents and protect themselves and others on the road. Prioritizing safety is a fundamental principle that can help establish a strong foundation for a lifetime of responsible driving.

Issue of Alcohol in Road Safety

Alcohol drink driving is a significant issue for young people due to various factors. Statistics show that young drivers, particularly those aged 16-24, are more likely to be involved in alcohol-related crashes. Gender-wise, young males tend to be overrepresented in these incidents. Rural areas often face higher rates of alcohol-related crashes among young drivers. Recognizing this problem, governments prioritize addressing alcohol-impaired driving through policy measures, awareness campaigns, and stricter enforcement to mitigate its impact on road safety and protect young lives. This is why I have looked to create a campaign to prevent these issues among young drivers

Why is my campaign a reliable source for Young Drivers?

A road safety campaign focusing on alcohol drink driving is a reliable source for young drivers due to its evidence-based information and targeted messaging. It provides clear and concise guidance on the risks and consequences of driving under the influence, as well as practical tips for responsible decision-making. By utilizing credible data and relatable content, such campaigns effectively raise awareness and promote safer driving behaviours among young drivers.

My Alcohol Drink Driving Campaign

Aim of the Campaign

The aim of my road safety campaign for alcohol drink driving among young drivers is to raise awareness, educate, and change behaviour. It seeks to emphasize the risks and consequences of driving under the influence of alcohol, encourage responsible decision-making, and promote alternative transportation options. Ultimately, the campaign aims to reduce alcohol-related accidents, injuries, and fatalities among young drivers, making the roads safer for everyone.

Key Information for Young Drivers

In my road safety campaign for alcohol drink driving, it’s important to convey to young drivers that a fatal crash from drink driving can happen to anyone, regardless of their background or circumstances. They need to understand the high likelihood of fatal crashes resulting from driving under the influence of alcohol. Emphasize that making the choice not to drink and drive is crucial for their own safety and the well-being of others on the road.

Impact of the Slogan

My slogan, “Don’t let alcohol be the driver of your decisions,” is effective for young drivers because it captures their attention and delivers a powerful message. By linking the concept of “driver” to alcohol’s influence on decision-making, it highlights the potential consequences of drinking and driving. The slogan encourages young drivers to prioritize responsible choices and emphasizes the importance of separating alcohol consumption from driving, ultimately promoting safer behaviours on the road.

Medium Used to Present the Campaign

Utilizing a poster for my road safety campaign on alcohol drink driving effectively engages young drivers through visual communication. The poster can feature compelling graphics and concise messaging to capture attention and convey the dangers of drink driving. Its concise format allows for quick absorption of key information, making it a highly effective tool for raising awareness, promoting responsible decision-making, and encouraging behaviour change among young drivers.

Approach Implemented

To engage young drivers effectively, my road safety campaign for alcohol drink driving presented information in a realistic and statistical manner. This was achieved by using a real-life scenario, important statistics and visuals that resonate with young people’s experiences. Incorporating relevant statistics about the prevalence and consequences of alcohol-related crashes among young drivers adds credibility and urgency to the message, making it more relatable and impactful.


I pledge to prioritize safety and responsible driving as I embark on my journey behind the wheel. I commit to obeying traffic laws, respecting speed limits, and refraining from any form of distracted driving, including the use of mobile devices. I will remain vigilant and focused, dedicating my full attention to the road and the task at hand. I promise to never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, ensuring the safety of myself, my passengers, and other road users. I will maintain my vehicle’s proper maintenance and regularly check its condition. I understand that safe driving is a lifelong commitment, and I will continuously educate myself about road safety to uphold these commitments.”
I picked these commitments because they encompass essential aspects of responsible driving, including adhering to traffic laws, avoiding distractions, abstaining from impaired driving, and maintaining vehicle safety. These commitments are crucial for personal safety and the well-being of others on the road.
To stick to these commitments, individuals can:

  1. Develop a strong sense of personal responsibility and understand the potential consequences of reckless driving.
  2. Regularly remind themselves of the pledge and the importance of safe driving.
  3. Stay informed about current traffic laws and regulations.
  4. Create a habit of focusing solely on driving and avoiding distractions while behind the wheel.
  5. Plan ahead to avoid situations where impaired driving might become a temptation.
  6. Establish a maintenance routine for the vehicle and address any issues promptly.
  7. Seek ongoing education and stay updated on road safety practices through resources such as driver’s education programs, defensive driving courses, or relevant publications.

By integrating these practices into their driving habits, individuals can maintain their commitments to safety and responsible driving throughout their lifetime!