Reflection on Year 8

Dear Year 8 Me

What’s that? A guide to year 8? Sure, I would have wanted one.

What was your best learning experience of Year 8?

Academically or in general? Mine would have had to be learning to use all the woodwork tools both in Woodwork and InnovatED. They all looked so complicated when we first saw them, but through the constructions of both the box and the library I have gained more confidence. This is applicable knowledge which I can actually use at home.

What was the most enjoyable experience of Year 8?

This is split between two things. First was Camp. It was a great experience when I needed it most. It helped me to get to know my House better as a group and also expanded my friendship group Second were my friends – they made me feel They made school fun and interesting for me that helped me get through 8 with a great attitude.

What would you change about Year 8?

Some things that I would change about this year (and important things I learned along the way)

  • Get more sleep. I learned the importance of that.
  • I would correct the silly mistakes I made (which I hopefully will never make again)

Where did I make the biggest contribution to the school and why?

I was in the Middle School Production for 2019, and I think that is where I made most of my contribution. It took up a lot of my energy and dedication but it paid off. It was a great performance. I learned lines and performed movement sequences as both the Monster and Ms Godfrey.

What did I learn about myself from Year 8?

I learned that I had more skills than I thought I did. I took on a leadership role in the form of

Advice for anyone entering Year 8?

If you put all your efforts into Year 8, it will be awesome. Study but give yourself relaxing time in whatever you do.

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