Visits to RAAFA

In Term 1 of this Year, I signed up to go to RAAFA Aged Care Home to be able to talk to elderly Australians.  I learned a lot of interesting facts and stories, even playing Scrabble a couple of times. One of the ladies was reading a book, but she only had a tissue for keeping her page. So I made her a bookmark, which I attached in this post.

We had the option to do exergaming (Wii Sports) with the residents or help out with the Dementia Ward, where I went most of the time.

Unfortunately, due to the threat of Coronavirus (COVID-19) they have had to postpone this co-curricular, which sad because I did like it. It was a fun way to end a Tuesday and I made some good friends who walked with me on the way to RAAFA. I hope it starts again soon.


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