Nulsen Leadership sessions

As part of the 2021 Nulsen Youth Patrons program, we were invited to participate in many leadership and public speaking sessions. They were an invaluable experience to have, and they have definitely improved my skills for the future. They were split into two main categories – one being leadership skills, and the other being public speaking and confidence skills.

The first one we had was with Gavin Bain, who runs the Perth branch of advertising agency Wunderman Thompson. He has had over 20 years of experience in senior roles, including the board of Cancer Council WA. He taught valuable lessons around vulnerability, and how we should embrace it, rather than push it away. He also talked extensively about the skills all good leaders should have. Another was with Michael McHugh, from the Future Institute of Australia, who provide leadership training to businesses. He talked extensively around how vulnerability helps you to connect with others and become a leader, drawing on his personal experience in business.

The second category of sessions were with renowned public speaking expert Margo Halbert. She has been doing the program for over 10 years, and we learned some tips about how to sound confident and look good on stage. My personal favourite tip was only writing a speech 2/3 of the way down the page – it stops you from looking down too much! Another was how you should include breaks in your speech to take a breath – I found that really helpful. This session also gave us an opportunity to interact with the other schools that form the Youth Patrons program- Mercedes Ladies College and Hale School. I now have close friends from both- yet another benefit of the program.

As well as the sessions, we were provided with the opportunity to speak with business leaders at a Q and A session organised by Nulsen. This took place in Perth City, and we met leaders in many different fields, such as mining, construction and mental health.

Overall, I have enjoyed every single session that Nulsen has provided with. We have been provided with many opportunities due to them, and I hope that next years patrons enjoy the same!

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