Christmas Market- Innovated

The Process

Idea planning and groups

Our group came up with many ideas and our first one was soaps. We thought that thus would be an amazing idea and make many sales but, we found out the price it would cost to make them and it was around $100. This is way over our budget and would not make many products. We had a whole list of things to do and then we came across with a video of someone making a basket out of a paper cup and string. This was so cute and we thought that this would be in the budget but we needed something to add to it. We thought that lip scrubs would work but the scent we wanted to add was not edible so we did body scrubs instead. This was more expensive because they are much larger products and the main expense was the jars because they were 300ml.



In our group there were a lot of things that needed to be handmade. We needed to handmake all the baskets which took a long time for just one and we had many to make. We never had a chance to make them all together because one of us were never free which was mainly me. I felt like I did not do as much work so I made sure I did something. I finished making the body scrub and put all the handles on all the baskets which was very time consuming.

– Creativity

Our basket idea was very creative even if it was not our original idea. This idea was still very creative and difficult to make. We needed to compromise and create our own version because how the video did it was not exactly ow we did it.

– Problem Solving

We had many problems but our main one was that the body scrub did not fit in the basket and you could also not hold the basket without it breaking. We ended needing to sell it for 2 different products. This ended out working very well because we made lots more money. Selling the product as 1 we would only get $7 but if we sold them as 2 different products we would make $11.

My experience

My market experience was very hectic because we were constantly changing the price and always had customers. We changed the price for the body scrub from $7 to $6 and then back up to $7. The demand increased so we increased the price. The baskets we sold for $3 and upped to $4 because they we selling to fast and we were to busy. I did really like this experience and would do it again. For me I am more of an extrovert so talking to the customers and bringing them to the stall was more for me. I also wrote in the sales log which was very easy.

Media advert

Describe the process you went through to create your production?

We started by making our idea in lesson one and made our plan. We planned our our story board and the angles of who we would shoot.

Media Storyboard.pptx

In lesson 4 we practiced filming but Chloe was not there so we could not film any major parts. Next we filmed the real thing over a few lessons and started editing. We edited on cap cut.

How did you come up with the original idea?

Our group thought about this because we wanted to film someone where we could eat some of the products. We decided that ice-cream would be the best even though it would melt. We went back and forth so many times but finally decided with mint choc chip because we could put mint leaves on top. We filmed the ice cream in week 6 and it all went well. We had a very pretty bowl and ice cream scooper.

Describe three obstacles or challenges that you encountered when creating your production?

We were much behind everyone because in the first week of filming one person was not there and we needed them to be for that week. Next we had struggles I forgot to bring my costume. We needed to compromise so we used the costumes that the school provides us and it worked very well. These costumes worked better than the ones that I had prepared. We filmed with a green screen behind the ice cream but none of us had the app to edit it so we had to compromise with that as well. We ended up zooming up on the ice cream to get the green out of the frame.

What would you do differently next time?

Next time I would make sure we don’t spend our time filming stuff we did not need to use in the film. For example in the first week of filming we did not film anything we needed for our production. There were little parts we could of filmed that only I was in. We could of filmed the ice cream in the second week and got the main part done because it was the most time consuming and the most important for the video.

Project Utopia reflection -Year 7 InnovatEd

We separated our class into 2 groups. One which was people working on the Cospace and the other people designing and making the modal. I was in the modal group. To complete making the modal we needed to work together well. We had some trouble because not everyone used their time productively which set us back on the modal which lead me and a few others working on it at recess and lunch. The design of the modal needed to fit with the Cospace group because of the placement on the modal.

Our group found it very difficult to communicate between each other which lead us in the wrong direction from where we needed to be in the amount of time we were given. All though it could be improved, on how much actually got on the modal and to do that our communication needed to be a little better from the start. As soon as Toby and Sarah stepped in as the leaders more work got done and we communicated so much better.

We did come back from these difficulties and ended up working productively but, I still do feel that some people did not put in as much effort as others and started to be really unproductive.

Vision board

This assessment was very rushed, but it ended out not too bad. In my group were Ricky, Callum, and Arjun and I found that working wasn’t too bad but when it came the creativity and the vision board it was much harder. We all worked together well and did about the same amount of work. We did struggle finding a leader at times which made it more challenging to find ideas for the vision board.

Future of Fremantle Report

There were many problems with this assessment one of we did not work together well. Our document had different names and fonts and quality of work put into this assessment. If we spent more time on the document I believe that the report could of improved.

Project Utopia Pitch

In my group I had Sybella and Mackenzie who was sadly off for covid. My speech was talking about the Retail/cafes/restaurants/bars, boat moorings and kayak tours.