In InnovatED (A innovative subject in our school) we were given a problem to solve from one of our multiple service partners. I chose to solve RAAFA’s problem which was how could they create an on-campus meal delivery service for residents. They were looking for a way to deliver meals from their two cafes to the resident’s homes. Currently, the residents have to walk across the large campus to get their food, so if they are unwell or injured they might miss out on a meal. Our is to create an on-campus ‘Uber Eats’ so that the food is delivered to the door in a neat and orderly manner. We are going to use a golf kart fitted with heating and cooling compartment which also has a table where you can place items on top of the compartment. The kart is called the Refresher FS4-13.5 HP. During the service project, we had to use multiple powers throughout the process of this term. The first power that we used was knowledge. As a group, we had to gather knowledge of the service we were helping and what their problem was. We also used teamwork because if we didn’t work as a team we wouldn’t have gotten as far as we did. After we had done all are planning we pitched our idea to the RAAFA representative and got feedback on our idea and presentation skills.
Month: August 2019
Cowan House Captain 2017
In 2017 I was elected as the Cowan House Captain. This experience helped me work on my leadership and self-management skills. As a leader, I worked on my self-management by making sure that I attended all the meetings and I also had to write what I would say at the assemblies. Because there are 2 captains for each house, I had to work on my communication, so that I would be able to work well with my co-captain.