Capabilities are very important in our lives and our future, and certain tasks in the Year 10 English Curriculum allow us to focus on developing them. Earlier in the year, we had an assignment to create a spoken word performance. The performance was meant to inform the audience about an issue of importance. My partner and I chose to talk about bullying, both in-person and online. By the end of the assignment, I had made great improvements to my creative capabilities.
A moment that improved my creativity was when my partner and I were assigned the task. We were told that we were allowed to present our spoken piece in any form. We could’ve done a basic performance such as a PowerPoint or a speech, but I knew I had to think outside the box and discover an engaging yet informative way to present our issue. So, after brainstorming multiple methods to present, we decided that the best way to communicate our issue was through a podcast. It would convey all the key ideas uncovered in our research while still keeping the audience engaged.
Choosing to present as a podcast meant we had to create a scenario & a script. We decided that on our podcast, we talk about important issues and today’s episode was bullying. We talk about the facts of bullying, the reasons people bully, and we even get a guest caller on the show. He talks about his experience being bullied and we give him advice. We end it off by recommending websites that may help people deal with bullying. Over the course of this task, my growth in creativity allows me to now see things with a more open mind.