$20 Boss

Image of our final product

At first, we started off in two separate groups, so we all had different ideas. Mitch and I coming from one group and Marsh and Nic coming from a different one. Mitch and I had the idea of making shoe bags for sports shoes and Marsh and Nic had the idea of melting plastic down into frisbees. We then changed our idea to key chains, then we changed it again to quotes before we finally settled on making cable organizers.

I think we did really well in goal setting as when we decided on a final product that we wanted to make, we knew how many we wanted to make and to sell. We wanted to make at least 25 of them as if we sold all of them at $5 each we would make a total of $125. Our goal was to make 25 as it was a round number and it would be easier to keep track of how many we needed to make.

We had to use problem solving to find a product that we all wanted to make. We all had to collaborate effectively and split all the roles up so that we could make the cable organizers. For example, Marshall was in charge of making the cable organizers, I was in charge of making all the packaging, Mitch was in charge of making the posters.

The main challenge that we had was that we only picked our final product really close to the market. We changed our product several times so we had less time to make and package our product. That meant that we didn’t have time to do everything that we wanted to do, like engrave the logo onto the cable organizers.

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