What were the biggest things I learnt whilst completing this task?
Mental health is a serious issue that over the past decade has worsened by 13%, with suicide being the second most common cause of death for those aged 15-29. Stigmas have arisen around mental illnesses from a lack of understanding, ignorance and misinformation. With many teens struggling as they find their identity, judgement and bullying creates insecure, fear and a feeling of isolation in many. The absence of support and opportunities for open and trusted communication worsen the situation. Pressure from society, peers and family lead to teens suppressing emotions, feeling like they are a burden, or not enough, fear of looking weak, can damage their body image, fearing judgement and socially isolates themselves. These are just a few of the many outcomes of this pressure. Due to the discrimination and lack of understanding, people that struggle with this can feel weak, not worthy and lonely which can lead to their struggles worsening as they ignore the issue. As a society, mental health struggles are only seen when it begins effecting physical health or when it is effecting other people. even after individuals recover from these struggles their quality of life is decreased. 1 in 5 teens struggle or have struggled with mental health in their lives and less that 50% will get diagnosed and still 30% of those diagnosed will not seek professional help. Mental illness has been projected as people who are weak, can’t cope and people that have been through severe trauma. This representation is simply incorrect and mental illness is something that is no fault of the individual. Instead is an emotional/ phycological reaction to an event, lifestyle or a trauma response that someone may not even be aware they had. This task showed me the importance of mental health and the severity of the situation. It is still an area that is growing and they are still finding things every day that can help however, the importance for it to be talked abut more is immense. If this could happen many young individual would feel less shame when requiring and receiving help.
What is something young people should know?
Mental health is not a subject to be joked about or ignored. It is a serious problem especially for younger generations and knowing that it is not something to be ashamed about or hide will increase mental health as well as ensure people are having the best quality of life they can achieve. Mental health is not something wrong with a person and is not their fault. Kids need to know that they are supported and there are many ways people can help them and many strategies available for them to help themselves.
How will I maintain my wellbeing?
My personal wellbeing is always improved by physical activity therefor, I always try get active at least 15 hours a week. 9 of those hours however are my training for sport therefor I try get just under an 1 hour of additional exercise a day. which is usually quite achievable. That along with ensuring I’m eating healthy and sleeping well allow for me to maintain my wellbeing.