Camp Reflection

Year 9 camp was a thoroughfare of bumps and turns that we had to endure. But through the pain and hardship, we learned a variety of valuable life lessons, such as leadership, perseverance and teamwork. By using and improving on these skills, I personally was able to increase my enjoyment of camp and my outlook on it.

The value of leadership was an essential one that I was striving my hardest to use in all circumstances. I utilized leadership during various team activities and jobs around the campsite, on hikes or anywhere that it was necessary. An example of when leadership was shown was when I instructed my cooking group on what ingredients to use, how to use them and with allocating various tasks to each member of the group.

Being perseverant on camp was the only way that I was able to achieve and overcome the many obstacles I encountered on my tour. Somehow being able to get up at 6am in the morning and pack my hiking pack, whilst enduring the freezing cold breeze was all thanks to perseverance.

Lastly, teamwork allowed us to effectively and efficiently complete tasks throughout our groups, whether it came to cooking, setting up tents or other activities. Without this, the many accomplishments and necessary jobs wouldn’t have been finished.

Overall, year 9 camp allowed the values of leadership, perseverance and teamwork to prevail in many different ways across our stay.

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