Our task was to construct an earthquake proof structure which could hold up against a ‘shake table’ which would perform S-waves and P-waves, both surface waves on the upright structure. The structure was comprised of spaghetti and blue tack. It was required to meet certain criteria, including standing at a height of 60cm and costing $60 or below. We were put into groups of three which tested collaborative skills such as patience and teamwork which. These skills are necessary for the efficient construction of an effective earthquake proof building, both in this experiment and in real situations.

Mia, Olivia, and I worked efficiently as a group, this was shown through us completing all set tasks and having a successful structure which met all criteria, stayed within budget and conquered the ‘shake table’ both the s wave and p wave. During the building process of our spaghetti tower we identified what we could offer to the structure of our building and set our positions according to what we were best at. Mia and Liv would construct the building and I would distribute the blue tack and make financial and trading decisions based on the state of the building (helping with the building when necessary). This system worked in our group because we were all controlling a part of our building process we were confident dealing with. Working with 2 classmates I don’t get the chance to work with is beneficial for myself and my final mark. Your able to concentrate and communicate efficiently because the only thing you have discovered so far with working with your classmates is you want to achieve a high mark. Its also a great chance to acknowledge someone you would only talk to for group projects.

Manila, Jakarta and Mumbai are examples of places which are at risk of potentially deadly earthquakes. Those 3 cities are right beside active fault lines which means they must prepare and apply tactics to ensure the safety of their citizens for whenever an earthquake strikes. Creating earthquake proof work buildings, apartments, hotels and more is vital for protecting lives of people during that time. An earthquake proof building compared to a regular building is essentially the same on the outside based on looks but earthquake proof buildings have different structure on the inside or even underneath the building.

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