$20 Boss

In the past two terms, I have experienced what it is like to run a small business. This was not my first time, however it was as enjoyable as it usually is. My friend and I, (Ithe Jeevanadan) started a small business called Unik. We chose to sell pop sockets, and nearly made $90 dollars. It wasn’t as easy as it seems, though. There were plenty of obstacles along the way.

One of these obstacles was trying to come up with a business idea. We first wanted to make basketball shirts, and then phone cases, then just anything we could customise. We settled on pop sockets (pop sockets are a circular grip that attach to your phone with adhesive to give you better grip) due to the high percentage of people with phones. We figured that it would be a good product to sell. And it was. The cost was low, the profit was high, and, the process was fun. What more could I want in a project?

This is the scrum we used. We used the scrum to organise ourselves and make sure we had everything done. It helped my group to stay efficient and make sure we weren’t just lazing around.

We had to be organised, so we had everything in time. If we had forgotten to bring a float, or even make the products, we would’ve had some real problems. We also had to problem solve, because we couldn’t think of a project idea, and time was running out. I learnt that to solve problems, we have to slow down and think.

Next time, We would do some more surveys to find out which products would sell the best, and make more of those and less of the ones that did not sell. Besides from that, I believe that I chose a great partner, who put in their fair share, and I also believe that our small business has a lot of potential, and I would like to keep working on it.

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