Throughout this term, I have learnt alot about Online behaviour. To begin with, we started talking about the YeS project, when we talked about this we went into how our positive and negative influences can change people’s mood in real life. The next topic we went over was Critical thinking, this helps me alot when I’m online. I don’t really need to use it but its always good to have in mind when I am making a comment or talking to someone.

The next thing we went over was Empathy, empathy is useful for when someone is feeling sad or angry, you can use empathy to relate to them and cheer them up hopefully. Empathy is also helpful when someone gets frustrated you can use empathy to understand what they’re thinking about. Another lesson we did was Respect. Respect is very helpful in almost all situations because if you’re thinking about writing something that might be mean just because others are being mean you should take it back and just not say anything at all.

We also learnt about Responsibility which is good for online behaviour because when you do go online to make a post you can either make a really controversial post or be responsible and make a kind-hearted post which will be responsible. Responsibility is also used well when you are making a comment on someone’s post where you are expected to be nice.