This semester in Health, we are learning about safe driving and some aspects that can affect it. I decided to look at how many young people are driving whilst under the influence of alcohol and some strategies to mitigate it. Below you can find my poster that is aimed to educate other people and answers to some questions about this campaign.

What were the biggest things you learnt while completing this task?
The biggest thing I learnt whilst completing this task was how big an issue drink driving is for young people and how many people are affected by it. As I read all the statistics, it really shocked me because way too many young adults are dying from driving whilst under the influence of alcohol. I also learnt some of the ways we can stay safe and some key pointers that I need to remember when I start driving.
What one piece of advice would you pass on to young drivers above all else? Why?
One piece of advice I would pass on to young drivers is to think for yourself about what you’re doing and always make sure you and everyone else around are safe no matter the circumstances. This is because I want young drivers to make their own decisions and not be easily swayed by others to be “cool”. This means it doesn’t matter if your late to a party or miss the start of something, as long as everyone is safe, everything will be okay.
Write down a pledge that you will commit to when you start driving. Why did you pick these things to commit to? How will you stick to these commitments?
I pledge to never drive whilst under the influence of alcohol, to encourage my friends and family to drive alcohol-free and to take my time whilst making good decisions. I picked these things to commit to because they will give myself the best chance of staying safe as well as the others around me. I can stick to these commitments by placing a piece of paper with them in my glovebox so when I forget or need to read them again so that I can calm myself before driving, they are always there.