Christmas Market 2021

For InnovatED this term, the year 7’s held a Christmas market. We first started by going into our camp groups and asked questions like “What does Christmas mean to you?” and “What makes a good gift?”. We also brainstormed different gift ideas for kids our age, teens and kids. In week 3, we got into…Continue Reading Christmas Market 2021

Project Utopia INNOVATED Term 3

Project Utopia Term 3 Innovated For Innovated last term, we did a Fremantle Port redevelopment Project. It was ourrole to share our ideas to teachers and the important people of Fremantle ofhow they could redevelop the space to improve it generally while keeping thecurrent vibe and history of Fremantle. We learnt a lot, including collaborationwith…Continue Reading Project Utopia INNOVATED Term 3