On week 1 term 4 selected year 9 and 10 students embarked on a 3 day trip to Honeymoon pool. Leadership, teamwork, and organization are key aspects to help individuals grow through life. During this camp, we also focus on a huge factor about leaving no trace. Honeymoon pool offered happy times as well as many challenges, that both gave us time to reflect and realize how grateful we should be in life. The three days of pure joy and beautiful scenery gave us a break from real-life stress and worries.
Leadership doesn’t only help us as individuals but also the people around us as we are able to help guide them. A key part of the amazing race was having to get three people across the river in a one-person canoe. This took a lot of persistence and teamwork and we had to listen to our teammate’s ideas. My role was having to paddle my team across the river and ensure that we all stay balanced. During this time I ensured that I had a positive outlook on the activity and I wanted to make sure that I always lifted the mood instead of blaming each other if we capsized. I played a part of a leader by voicing my ideas and helping my teammate out. Next time to improve my leadership skills by offering help more to the people around me because I have learned that it doesn’t just make the person you help out feel happy but it also makes you feel good about yourself.

Organisation allows us to have a good time and be stress-free. I showed my organization skills, by the way, I packed my bag individually making sure I had everything and managed my time well. The organization skills individually and as a group strongly showed through the way we prepared for camp. We made sure that we had a full and complete shopping list and that everyone in my cooking group was aware of what everyone was bringing. I learned that a lot of dedication was needed to organize and prepare a fire. On the first night, we struggled to create fire because we didn’t make it a major priority, I and the rest of the cooking group learned from this experience, and the next night we were able to start a fire with minimum struggle.
Teamwork and offering help to the people around us makes our time during every activity move more smoothly. I showed teamwork by the way I played my part when cooking dinner with my group. While the others would prepare the food I would create the fire and cook the food. This allowed everyone to enjoy the night and not worry about not during things efficiently. Another way I showed teamwork was when we did the rock climbing and the amazing race, I made sure that I was helping out in every way possible. I learned that Teamwork is the most important aspect of having a good and stress-free time. Next time I would help out more during the rafting because I was more focused on how cold I was rather than helping the people around me and focusing on the positives.
Leave no trace refers to the way we should always leave a place better than we found it. This can be shown during camp and day-to-day life. My group made this a huge priority when we cooked and prepared our food. Before we ate we made sure our area was clean and there was no litter around. At the end of camp, all the groups came together and walked through the campsite to pick up and things like litter. Leave no trace isn’t something that affects the moment but it contributes hugely to our planet in the future. I have learned that if we don’t take those extra minutes to make sure the area around us is clean then people like our future grandkids won’t be able to experience the fun we have experienced.
The camp at Honeymoon pool was an eye-opener and an experience I will never forget. I have learned key aspects like being there to support the people around you. This camp has truly taught me to live in the moment and enjoy the vast environment around us. The development of vital skills like leadership, teamwork, and organization is something I am able to take away. Talks with our group at night were filled with endless laughter and an experience of a lifetime.