Strategies to stop drink driving:
One way is to stay away from alcoholic beverages. Now there are many drinks that are a substitute for alcohol, such as mocktails, sodas, seltzer, non-alcoholic beers and more so that you can drink if you’re driving home yourself, all these substitutes prevent you from drink driving.
If you’re going out with a group of friends, select a designated driver who’s sober to take you all back home. So that there’s no dangers or casualties occurring on the road or to prevent drink driving use other modes of transport. Some being taking an uber, public transport (train/bus), walking or asking a friend/adult to drive you.
Reflection Questions:
What were the biggest things you learned while completing this task?

Throughout this task, I believe that the biggest thing I have learned is how many individuals are affected/ contribute to drinking and driving. Before the task, I understood that drunk driving was an issue, but I didn’t realize how bad it was. For example, the statistic that, over 1 in 4 drivers and riders killed on Australian roads have exceeded the legal blood alcohol content limit. This was a big eye-opener for me and really made me realize the extent of this issue. I also learned that younger drivers are the most affected compared to more experienced drivers. For example, I thought that ages 16-17 would be affected by drunk driving as much compared to adults, as it would be harder for them to get their hands on alcohol. This further makes me realize that the Australian drinking rate is dangerously high and affects drivers of both younger and older ages.
What one piece of advice would you pass on to young drivers above all else? Why?
You are not only affecting yourself but also the people around you! When you decide to drive a vehicle while under the influence you are putting your life in danger as well as the other cars on the road and your potential passengers. Your decisions can affect strangers and your family. Always make and put plans in place so that you don’t have to drive under the influence (e.g., order an Uber or get a sober friend/adult to drive you). Don’t cause yourself or someone else to become a statistic, think before you act.
Write down a pledge that you will commit to when you start driving. Why did you pick these things to commit to? How will you stick to these commitments?
I pledge to never drive under the influence or partake in anything that may affect my concentration while driving on the road such as using a cell phone. I chose to commit to this as I will not only affect myself but the people around me. Through this pledge, I aim to make the roads safer and keep myself safe. I will ensure this by having my cell phone out of reach and asking a trusted sober adult or a friend to drive me home if I am under the influence. I believe this is a realistic pledge that I am able to commit to not only at the start of my driving journey but also throughout because at the end of the day I must consider the people around me and not just myself.