Project Utopia!
What is Project Utopia?
Though-out this Project Utopia, we worked in groups alongside our facilitators and special guests. These people helped to assist us for the duration of the project, which was integrated across our subjects. A Utopia is a perfect society but as you can imaging both your and my idea of a Utopian society would be very different, therefore one might say it is more like a Protopia!
Global goals:
In project utopia, we used the UN global goals to create our interpretation of the perfect utopia. In order to be officially accredited we had to go to a specialist facilitators and pitch to them why and what the global goal is and how we are going to address the these! My group achieved four accreditations, being for sustainable cities and communities, good health and well being, safety and stability and zero hunger. These global goals are all endorsed by the UN statistical commission.
ASC capabilities:
The core of ASC Capabilities is ‘making a positive difference’. If our utopias were real places we would be making a positive difference because we were using various strategies and implementing these to make highly livable places. We used the college capabilities in numerous ways including ‘problem-solving’ and ‘inquisitive’ to extend our learning. Special guests were invited into the school, providing us with the opportunity to ask questions and learn from their skills and experience. Our group was fortunate to speak with Matthias Cormann, Jorden Steel, Shayanna Crouch, Paul Garbet and others from the Nelson Group.
Livability is the way of measuring five factors that add up to a community’s quality of life—including the built and natural environments, economic prosperity, social stability and equity, educational opportunity, cultural, entertainment and recreation possibilities. Perth’s livability ranking is in the top 15 in the world which indicates how privileged we are. By looking at different places in the world and seeing how and what they are doing well, is a great way to build a utopian society.
My overall learning:
I really enjoyed the Utopia Project, and I think that some of the reasons why I liked this project was because it linked all the subjects together, so I could see the bigger picture across the globe. I would definitely do this project again and extend myself even more, especially since I know what I could improve on for upcoming opportunities.