What were the biggest things you learnt while completing this task?

My biggest takeaway from completing this assessment is that communication and time management are essential skills. We really had to find time to make our board game as well as a time when we could get together and work on it outside of school hours. We were able to do this by communicating with each other and others around us (like our parents) to organize it. Every part of completing this project was challenging, but overall it was quite enjoyable. Using my communication and time management skills, I could complete my project, but I could also feel good about this accomplishment because it helped me improve on these two skills.

OneNote collaboration space, Chloe and I used

What one piece of advice would you pass on to young teenagers above all else? Why?

I would advise young teenagers to try to avoid drinking at all costs. I think that once you start drinking, it can develop into a bad habit and eventually lead to binge drinking. You might feel pressured to drink by friends or other people, but if you try to refrain from attending events or places where alcohol is served, you might be preventing your body from suffering many negative effects if you start. I would avoid drinking at all costs because it can lead to a variety of serious, potentially fatal issues, such as seizures, brain damage, and even death.

Write down a pledge that you will commit to if you start drinking alcohol (at the legal age of 18 years).

I promise not to consume more than two drinks per day (at most), not to drive after drinking, and to take care of others who don’t understand alcohol.

Why did you pick these things to commit to?

Because I made these resolutions, I will now have more control over how much alcohol I consume going forwards. I’ll be able to help those who don’t know as much about the effects of alcohol. Additionally, I’ll be able to follow the rules in the future without breaking them. 

How will you stick to these commitments?

I will abide by these commitments by thoroughly assessing the effects of my alcohol before consuming it, following DUI laws even when my blood alcohol level is low, and averting situations that could result in drunk driving. Additionally, by reading and educating others, you can reduce the likelihood that they will engage in binge drinking or harm.

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