In project utopia, we were told to create a perfect society, where dreams come true and people can be whoever and whatever they want to be. During the course of the project, I learnt so many new things about how societies are formed, and all the challenges faced while doing so.
During the course of the project, there was a huge emphasis placed on the 17 UN global goals.
Each group decided to focus on a few specific global goals, rather than try to achieve all of them. Our group focused on the global goals of climate action, clean and affordable energy, and no poverty. Each group had to take steps to achieve accreditations for these goals. Accreditations proved that our utopia was taking steps to solve one of the UN’s global goals. In our group, we got 3 accreditations, for climate action, clean and affordable energy and good health and wellbeing.
During the course of the project, there was a huge emphasis placed on the 17 UN global goals.
Each group decided to focus on a few specific global goals, rather than try to achieve all of them. Our group focused on the global goals of climate action, clean and affordable energy, and no poverty. Each group had to take steps to achieve accreditations for these goals. Accreditations proved that our utopia was taking steps to solve one of the UN’s global goals. In our group, we got 3 accreditations, for climate action, clean and affordable energy and good health and wellbeing.
I learnt a lot about the global goals, especially the ones we focused on. I learnt a lot about features that increase sustainability, like the Tesla Powerwall and solar roof. These two products go together to make homes self – sustaining! I also learnt a lot about Australia’s means of dealing with poverty, such as the public housing towers and welfare.
In the utopia project, I learned a lot about ASC capabilities. The ASC capabilities are a series of objectives we try to show in our everyday schooling divided into three sections: in ourselves, in our community, and in our world.
Some of the capabilities I thought our group needed (and fulfilled) most are effective communication, resilient, creative, problem-solving, and collaborative. During project utopia, these capabilities were essential for our group to ensure we were working productively.
Effective communication in my opinion was the most essential because our whole group needed to know what we were doing. In a lot of instances, our group had to ‘divide and conquer’ in order to be working as effectively as possible. This made effective communication incredibly important.
In term 3, during innovated, we had a myriad of important guests and visitors come in, and we were given the opportunity to speak with these visitors.
I spoke with Jordan Steele – John, a senator for the Australian greens party, Charmaine Don, manager of marketing and communications for foodbank, and Paul Garbett, director of planning and projects for Fremantle. I found my conversation with Paul Garbett very interesting because I talked to him about primary industries, and how to establish a stable economy straight away off of them.
Throughout the project, my favourite thing to learn about was the government.
In our utopian society, we had a republican democracy, with two levels, federal and local. We also had to make a constitution for our country, which is in a hyperlink at the bottom of this page. I also learnt a lot about subsidies, what they do and how they work. In our utopia, I took a lot of inspiration off of the country Norway, particularly their capital city, Oslo. Norway struck oil in 1963, and lots of it. Norway started a sovereign fund, so it could invest in companies and use the profit to make subsidies to make their country greener to offset the oil exportation.
This links in to our utopia because we employed a lot of their subsidies and legislations regarding the manufacturing, purchase, and usage of electric cars, including things like lower income tax, higher tax deduction, and no luxury car tax for the owners and no sales tax for the retailers. We know that this works. So much so that over 75% of cars sold in Oslo are either hybrid or full electric, an incredible statistic for today. We decided to replicate this in our utopia.
Looking back, I feel as though my group and I as a whole were able to come together, learn so many new things, and have plenty to show for it, too.