InnovatED Showcase Term 2

In InnovatED this term I did STEM and Sport. In STEM and Sport, I worked on a project that involved teachings in the Kimberly to play cricket and donate equipment to them. We started the project in week 4 and designed a website, took videos and presented the project in week 9.

For our product, we used the design thinking process to help us make our product. The first step of this process was to empathise. We empathised by coming up with problems that people have with sport and wellbeing. The problem we identified was there are not many people coming from northwest Australia that play cricket. The second step of the process is define. We defined by figuring out our target audience. Our target audience was people interested in cricket in remote communities. The next step of the process was to ideate. We ideated by coming up with ideas for our product. Our product was a cricket website that included batting, bowling and fielding videos. The next step was to create a prototype. We created the videos and the website. We had then finished our product and tested it by doing the showcase. We would judge ourselves on this by looking at the feedback and seeing if it was positive.

The first step of our process was to brainstorm ideas of what we could do in our class. In this process, we came up with the idea of a cricket website with videos for a demonstration. we also came up with the idea that we should donate items. The second step of our process was to create a plan for our website and our videos. We wrote scripts and decided what software to use to create the websites. We wrote up a text for the website and applied it. The third step of our process was to take videos and build our website. We went down to the oval and took videos of our bowling, batting and fielding. We then added the videos to the website and did the final touches. Then our project was complete and we were ready for the showcase. We thought the showcase was a success because we had positive feedback and said they liked our product.

We thought we had a good product but there were also some things we could have improved on. Something that went well was our videos were descriptive and well filmed. We could have had better audio but if we had more time we could have fixed this and added more videos but I think we did the best we could. Another thing we did well was our website design. We had designed pages that were clear and easy to use. Something we could have improved on was we could have made a page that could tell people why they should join cricket. It is hard to teach people to play something if they have little to no interest in what they are doing. Something else we could have improved on was our presentation. We could have prepared more and made a longer speech for what we were going to say.

This product was a success and I believe that I worked well in my group. The best skill we had was we were organised. We had a good plan and followed our schedule. Something that was also helpful was we chose something that we knew about. Overall, I enjoyed doing STEM and Sport.