Online Behaviors Post

This unit for me has deepened my awareness of how Social Media manipulates you, and all it can take is 1 mean comment. Most if not all people have and use social media, but only about 65% of those people understand the dangers of posting a photo. If someone has posted a photo of them self then don’t criticize them for it, they have not put that up for you to post something mean or a flaw about that photo, that is called being able to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, this is most commonly known as empathy. Most people don’t think properly about how much a comment could hurt someone’s feelings. Having the respect to say, “Hey maybe I won’t post that mean comment” shows a lot about people and how mature they are. It is important to have critical thinking when posting something online, you might not know at first how someone else could take that the wrong way and hold a grudge for the rest of eternity. Nobody wants that. There is one simple solution for that, stop and think before you post.

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