Lock Camp Reflection

Camp was a blast! We had so much fun participating in various activities such as rafting, abseiling, team building, and an amazing race, but also, it was an opportunity to develop our capabilities in an engaging and visual way. Some of the capabilities that I improved on are; being collaborative and communicating well whilst rafting with my partner Adeolu, being resilient whilst team building and being last out of the maze, and being inquisitive when rock climbing, and falling upside down very high up.

Collaboration and Communication whilst Rafting

During our camp on the second day, we were lucky enough to have gone rafting in Three drops in the Collie River. Whilst in the river, we had so much fun sliding down the rapids, despite the freezing water. We were the luckiest of groups, having the best weather to go in. Rafting was all about collaboration and effective communication, because we were required to have a partner, and share a raft. I was partners with Adeolu, and together we worked so well together, and had so much fun! We were able to effectively communicate when navigating and steering the raft with our oars, and flipping over into the cold water (despite being reluctant), we were talking about how to do it, when to do it, and where to do it. We also collaborated together well, splitting up the jobs of carrying, seating arrangement (front or back). Overall, it was an amazing experience that was also a communication learning opportunity.

Adeolu and I going down the last rapid.

Being Inquisitive whilst Rock Climbing

At the start of the subject, we started to rock climb on the ASC wall. Whilst we were climbing, we also had to learn numerous knots including a reef knot, overhand, bowline, double fisherman’s, figure eight, figure eight on the bite, figure eight follow through, and clove hitch. Once we had all learnt how to tie these knots, we could solely focus on rock climbing. Amongst other capabilities, we really needed to be inquisitive with rock climbing, finding different ways and routes to make our way up the 4 walls and touch the roof showing success. Not only did we have to climb, but we also had to belay each other, which involved helping others finding their way up, whilst holding the rope they are attached to, supporting their weight in case they fall. Being inquisitive on the wall (and off the wall) has helped me to touch the rock climbing roof multiple times.

Rock Climbing on the ASC wall.

Resilience whilst Team Building

On the last day of camp, we were given the opportunity to reflect about our time on camp with our group, by playing some team building games. The first game we played was a rope maze, that had been set up by Mr J. and Mr Stevens to challenge our senses, as we had to be blindfolded. Everyone was challenged throughout this process. Some people got out very quickly. Others took longer. I was the last one on the maze. I was struggling, but I was determined to keep going and finish the maze. When I eventually got to the end, I realised that everyone else had already finished. I felt a little embarrassed, but I laughed it off and bounced back to participate in the other two challenges. Resilience is really important to get on with life, otherwise, you will spend all of your time dwelling on past mistakes, failures and/or setbacks. The most positive way to go through life is to stay positive with resilience.

Entering the maze as a group.

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