The project we have been working on is a science video about how water changes state, our video needs to be around 2 mins long and must be about change in science, for change we chose to do how water changes state. We will be assessed on 2 main points: Science communication, and Entertainment. What we will be assessed on in Science communication are: Did the film follow a clear and logical sequence, that was not rushed? Did the film use relevant examples, demonstrations and/or visuals? Did the film present accurate science and use appropriate language? We will be assessed on in Entertainment are: Did the film show that the entrant/s is passionate about their chosen topic? Did the film include creative approaches?
The first thing we did was choose our topic and write a story board. Then we wrote a script and filmed our film. Each person in our group had a different role. Lara acted most of the scenes in our movie out. I drew the visuals and created our story board and half of our script. Then Asha edited our whole video, wrote some of the script, and added voiceovers to the video. Each person had the opportunity to contributed to our ideas because we all planed the whole film out before filming it. We could improve by bringing in equipment to help us film and to have more time to film so we could make sure all of our lines are right and we could retake scenes if needed.
Our group did not have any disagreements and we all agreed on all of the ideas of our film and the decisions we were taking the whole group agreed too. Why I think we didn’t have any disagreements is because we all have similar ideas and mashed all of them together so everyone was happy with the decisions. If we repeated this project I think that we could have wrote our script with more detail and add more funny bits into our film.
Our group dealed with the time limit of this project alright but we could have defiantly done better. We were rushing some of the scenes in our film and only did each take once or twice causing some of the scenes to be messy so if we were to do this project again we could have done more takes so we don’t mess up and can finish the project to the best we can.
Link to our Sleek Geeks Science Video