This semester I have worked towards making and selling a group product. At the start we brainstormed ideas, then presented them, then CEO’s were chosen, then we got into groups, make our product, and sold them.
At first we wrote down lots of different possible ideas of what we could do. We then chose what idea we wanted to do and started researching how to make it, how much it would cost and other things. Then we put all the research together and created a script.
The presentation last 2 mins and I did it on resin rings.
Choosing CEO’s
The teachers chose the CEO’s by who’s presentation was the best planned out and who had the best ideas. The CEO’s then got people to try and get into there company, and got to choose who they wanted
Ella was the CEO of our group and her idea was bees wax wraps, in our group it was me, Ella, Toby and Michael.
Getting organised
At first we gave everyone roles, and planned out everything. We planned how much everything would cost, how to make the wraps, and what we would need to make them. After this we told everything to Mr Wong who let us get our money and let us get started on making the Bees wax.
Making the wraps
How we make bees wax wraps was by cutting fabric, grating bees wax onto the fabric and then ironing the bees wax onto the fabric to make bees wax wraps, we made some of the wraps at school, but, Ella made most of them at home
The location we got for our table was at the back corner of the corridors so it was hard for people to see our stall and buy from us, ow we got over this issue was making Michael stand with a sign pointing people in our direction. Our stall was very decorated with plants and our bees wax wraps. We ended up selling out of bees wax wraps and making a total of $121