Health booklet


Empathy is a complicated word, many people say definitions like walking in people shoes and all those things, but I think it is more than feeling what people feel, I believe that learning empathy is not trying to teach to feel what people are feeling and instead teaching you to act on the situation and do something about it. Yes you might see a homeless man on the road, yes you may have felt for them, but I think in order to live by our college vision, we have to act and reflect. Change doesn’t come from pity, it comes from acting. This is why I feel the christmas appeal is important to take advantage of. So to conclude my thoughts of empathy, don’t be a bystander, don’t just pity and hope that isn’t you, get out and do something about it.

Critical thinking:

I think critical thinking critically and seeing ahead and finding out and discovering about our world. Our recent science unit has taught me how big the universe really is and I now know why critical thinking is important


I think responsibility is owning up. Don’t see punishment as punishment, see it as a chance to learn something. Recognize your mistakes and learn from them rather than live a lie. That is my take on responsibility


Respect is treating people well and what they deserve, yes respect is earned but it is always good to show kindness. The RAP movie we watched connect back to this. One act of random kindness.

Red Shield Appeal

To some people, spending their weekend asking complete strangers for money wasn’t their ideal weekend. Initially, that was my mindset but doing the red shield appeal have taught valuable lessons and has shown me the importance giving back to people. We are fortunate and doing the Red shield appeal has shown me that in numerous ways. The Red Shield Appeal is extremely rewarding and I encourage more people to do it.

Innovate Ed

Innovate Ed is an excellent addition to the school as it teaches life skills while making students have fun. My experiences with innovate have been extremely successful. I have learn’t a lot and will post my photographs and videos of the learning experience soon. I recommend most people take the time and focus more on innovate ed.