What were the biggest things I learnt while completing this task?
I learnt a lot of valuable information during this task. Especially why not to Binge Drink. The main reason was death, as binge drinking can lead to alcohol poisoning, which kills. It can also lead to damages on your body. This included your, Heart, Kidney, Lungs, Pancreas, Blood and Immune System, Bones and Muscles, Brain and Nervous System, and intestines as seen below:
- Heart
Causes high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, or heart failure.
- Kidney
Alcohol is diuretic, which causes the kidney to produce more urine. This can lead to dehydration, and dangerously low levels of sodium and other minerals.
- Lungs
Alcohol causes gag reflex, which can lead to vomit and saliva entering the lungs, causing inflammation or infection.
- Pancreas
Binge drinking can lead to extremely low blood sugar levels.
- Blood and Immune System
Binge Drinking can lead to anemia, low platelets, and a suppressed immune system.
- Bones and Muscles
Binge drinking can interfere with absorption of calcium and bone formation.
- Brain and Nervous System
Binge drinking increases the risk of a stroke, dementia, and impaired coordination.
- Mental Health
Binge Drinking increases the risk of depression and anxiety.
- Intestines
Binge drinking can cause malnutrition, through lowering nutrients in the gut, and interfering with the absorption of vitamins.
As well as this, I also learnt why people chose to binge drink, and to my surprise on many occasions, binge drinking could be avoided. An example of this was Peer Pressure. Some people felt compelled and pressured to drink, as the people around them were binge drinking. A simple solution to this would be to change the people you hang out with. If you are not around binge drinkers, you won’t feel like you need to binge drink to fit in. This would be a good solution if your peers were asking you to and suggesting you drink. If nobody was telling you or inviting you to drink, you could always be the bigger person, and act away from the crowd. Although it might make you feel excluded from the groups activity, it is just saving your body.
Another reason why people choose to binge drink is because they find it fun. Some people, especially younger people want to just have a good night out. They want to have an easy way to relax, and to ease of pressure, whether it be school or work related. This reason can often lead to addiction, as many become addicted to this fun sensation, and begin drinking regularly. A way this can be avoided is through finding enjoyment through different things, like watching a movie or tv show, or playing cards.
Some people however choose to binge drink to forget there problems, as they can zone out and relax without worrying about what is happening in the real world. These issues can range from work stress, to family issues, to even depression. It is recommended that you seek help from people like therapists or people online, as you shouldn’t ruin your body’s health because you want to forget your problems, as there are other ways to do so.
Other reasons can include asserting their macho image, or simply rebelling the rules because they think it is cool. These are very poor reasons for binge drinking, as you shouldn’t show off to people about how much you drink, and if others are showing off to you about how much they can drink, you are likely hanging out with the wrong group of people.
Why not to binge drink:
- Car accidents – Drunk Driving
- Falls, burns, and other clumsy related incidents
- Violence – Against others as you are not fully aware of what you are doing.
- STD’s – Unintended sex due to not being able to give consent.
Symptoms of binge drinking:
- Having a hard time stopping drinking – You are compelled to keep drinking, as you are spaced out and just want more pleasure
- Frequent Blackouts – memory loss or sudden black outs can be a symptom of binge drinking.
- You engage in reckless behaviour – Including drunk driving, falls, burns, aggression to others, unsafe sex.
A piece of advice I would pass on to young teenagers and why?
Never Get Yourself Drunk
Health – Body Damages
There are many negative side effects of binge drinking that effect your health as seen above. It is not worth damaging your body’s organs because you want to drink a lot.
Binge Drinking can cause you to act erratic and not sensible, causing you to do things you normally wouldn’t do if sober. Examples can be seen above, which include reckless driving, unintended sex, and committing violent acts against others.
If you attend party’s, I recommend that you are the person who does not get drunk and is responsible for others. This can include supervision, driving them home, etc. This allows you to be at your best self, while also helping others. As spoken about above, it is not worth getting drunk, and if somebody else is supervising you and staying sober, it is not safe as nobody is as careful of you then yourself.
My Pledge (I never plan to drink, but this is my pledge if I decide to)
I, Jacob Skender, pledge to never ever get drunk, or binge drink after I begin drinking at the legal age of 18.
The reason I chose to never get drunk was because of the numerous damages to your body, as well as the fact that I might act out of control. I want to always be sensible with my behaviour, and act appropriately depending on the situation I am in. The reason I never want to binge drink is very similar. It damages your body and your health, and can cause your behaviour and actions to drastically change.
I will stick to these commitments through discipline, and I will also be very cautious when around alcohol. I never plan to drink as I want to stay healthy and always be able to act and function without the symptoms of being drunk.