progress update 2

we have decided to choose princess Diana, and the conspiracies towards her passing. from the comments we have received we are acting on it by choosing one topic instead of the 3 – B.I.G, Tupac and Diana. We think Diana is an interesting topic to do our project on because there is so much speculation…Continue Reading progress update 2

Progress Update 1

As part of our year 10 Humanities course we are able to research a project of our own choice, and to create an outcome to showcase at a final exhibition in term 4. The topic we have chosen is either between princess Diana and the conspiracies of her death and if it was a murder…Continue Reading Progress Update 1

positive relationships and leadership

Positive relationships are the foundation of any successful classroom. If students are interested in what they are learning and are engaged in the lessons, they will start learning how to create stronger relationships with the teacher and other students. During the past two weeks Kayli, Zippy and I have learnt to work together under a…Continue Reading positive relationships and leadership

faceless portrait

what i could improve on my faceless portrait I think I could improve my Faceless portraiture by using a different surrounding as the surroundings, details, and compositions are what makes the photo more appealing. Without them, my results will look uninteresting. I think I could Look for details that you usually don’t pay attention to…Continue Reading faceless portrait