My partner, Jordan, and I’s task were to come up with an idea to create into a documentary.
We came up with our idea by taking a video game, Fortnite, and making it comedic and easy to follow. We did not take much inspiration for the film, however, we did watch skit videos on YouTube to help create our film. We had other ideas for the film such as following someone else for a day in the life type film but we ended up going for just me and Jordan in a Fortnite day in the life because it was easier and only needed 2 people. Most people found our idea funny and half liked and disliked the idea. I think if we did give the idea more time to develop we could have had some better ideas or just added on to our script in general.
We used a camera with a tripod to get started with our filming straight away and used our script which we created earlier on Celtx. We worked well on our use of the cameras and tripod, however, we did not have any extra audio devices which had an effect on our final product. We also needed to make sure we thought about our angles which also had an effect on the final product
We both had input on our editing project, however, I did most of the actual editing process because Jordan was away. We used transitions and audio effects in premiere pro to emphasize the video. We used some audio websites for music and other sound effects. Our editing went very quickly and smoothly making the process really easy. Again, we would definitely next time use microphones and also make sure we have time to edit together.
The best aspect of our film is that we stuck to our main idea and theme our whole time and made sure it stayed like that for the whole production process. Our main improvements that need to be made are our audio technology and timing. I learned that it can be quite easy at times to act and perform a script that you have gone through with the person you are working with and make changes as the production goes on. Next time we must make sure that we have set aside time to edit with both of us present and to have better use of audion during the main production using additional microphones for better sound quality and to improve the quality of our overall film.
The focus of our project was to create a structure, with my partner Charlie, that is 60cm tall out of pasta and blue-tac to withstand an earthquake simulation. In our lessons, we learned that earthquakes can destroy natural and man-made structures and can cause many fatalities. Many buildings lack the resistance to withstand earthquakes because their design is deficient. Through our research, we found that flexible bases really help to absorb the energy produced by an earthquake.
We encountered communication problems due to Charlie having an injury and not being at school the day we did our initial prototype. I communicated to Charlie through text to inform him about the progress I had made on our building and we solved our communication problem. When it came to the final building, we both had the same ideas and put it together fairly easily with minimal problems until we reached the testing and saw our building bend straight away due to the extra weight added.
Having both Charlie and I working on our project helped us design and contribute ideas to our final product. We both learned new collaboration skills by listening to each other’s points of view using the greatest ideas to move towards our structure.
Our final structure had an effective base however it did not quite reach the desired height of 60cm. If I was to do the project again I would have made sure to have a design before the actual building process to make sure if one of us had been away there is still a way to complete the structure. Also, to make the structure reach 60cm on both runs of the simulation I would make the structure taller and stronger to support the bending issue.
My name is James Stachewicz. In 2019 I was brought back to music by my uncle, Andrew. While I was spending time in Busselton with my cousins, he pulled out a guitar and taught me “Smoke on the Water” by Deep Purple. I quickly got the hang of it and eventually mastered the riff. Once the holidays had ended and we were back at school I took interest in music class and wanted to present my new guitar skills to the class.
On the way out of class, other classmates and I started joking about making a band however it became a reality, and everyone invested in the idea. After putting time in rehearsing every lunchtime and trying to make our band a success, the Director of Music listened in and tried to fit us into the contemporary band program.
When we got into the program our band was allocated to music tutor Mr. Ablett, (also our bass guitarist), to rehearse every Tuesday at lunchtime. This helped me build teamwork and cooperation within a group of people. The skills I had to practice were mainly timing to keep up with the group and playing chords perfectly.
Once my band, “Traversal” was finally ready after all the months we put into practicing we performed in a live gig at the Mojos Bar in North Fremantle. This performance was a success and the crowd was very pleased which gave all the band members great satisfaction and a reward for all the hard work our band put in.
This experience has taught me some lifelong skills including teamwork, leadership, and the value of perfecting my skills to achieve my aims. This example of my application to learn and develop will give me the confidence to apply to any task and illustrate my ability to work in a team and lead as required.
We chose this topic because as we are all grounded in Perth due to COVID we decided that it would be interesting to learn about our peer’s view on travel. This would also give us a different perspective of our peers, giving us an idea of people’s plans for traveling and how many people have been to different areas of their world.
•Sampling basically means selecting people from a population in order to test the population for something. Our Sampling, to receive information on people’s background and travel was Year 9’s (and extension year 8’s) that attend All Saints’ College. The type of Sampling was convenient sampling. The reliability of this sampling method may have been effected this is because people may have been influenced by their peers to their answers as the forms was answered in class. The forms survey took a long time and this could affect the results people wrote as they may have wanted to get the survey over and done with not giving us an accurate result. The sample size was quite decent however we can only assume that the results apply to only All saints’ college year 9 students.
A Bias was present was the fact that we go to a private school and the results will be different between private and public schools since All Saints’ is a private school and this affects the results in how many holidays people have visited. This is because we can assume that people of private school are wealthier than students of public schools. Another possible bias is that we surveyed year 9’s, so when we display this data they we must apply this data for year 9 students at All saints’. Another possible bias is the factor of people lying.
The wrongful imprisonment of John Button in 1960 illustrated the importance of various aspects of the law which are designed to protect the innocent. In John’s case the police beat a confession out of him which resulted in his conviction for murder. If the principles of innocence, right to silence and burden of proof had been applied he would not have gone to jail.
In 1960, John Button was having an argument with then 17-year-old girlfriend Rosemary Anderson. She then decided to walk home. That night she was killed by the impact of a moving vehicle. When Button was looking for her, he found her passed out on the side of the road. As soon as this happened, he took her to the hospital. The police officers took him in a room and beat a confession out of him, resulting in a conviction for murder. More than 30 years later he won an appeal earning him $460,000.
Not Supported – Innocent until proven Guilty:
Innocent until proven guilty is the responsibility of prosecution to probe guilt. The accused does not have to prove anything and is to be treated as innocent through the investigation and the trial. While John was waiting in the hospital, the police took him into a room asking him questions for hours. They beat him multiple times demanding him to sign a confession. He knew that he must sign the confession, even though it would provide enough evidence to convict him of murder. Following a court case, he was convicted to 10 years hard labour.
Not Supported – Burden and Standard of Proof:
The burden and standard of proof is the degree of proof used to give the jury and judge a beyond reasonable doubt or almost certain. John Button, even though he signed a confession, there was not sufficient evidence he had committed the crime. What the police should have done is examined his vehicle to see any obvious evidence. Also, they should have looked for any bystanders that were present that night. The police officers also did not collect any evidence to he had killed her.
Not Supported – Right to Silence:
The right to silence gives a person suspected of criminal offence the right to not speak and remain silent. They are allowed this right to silence through the whole investigation and the trial, however they are legally required to give their name and address. In the court room the only evidence given was the signed confession, even though the law says it can have him convicted with murder charges it did not give sufficient evidence of murder except a signature. If anything, a judge, and jury must be ninety nine percent sure in their mind that the evidence is enough to have them convicted, however in Johns’ case, there should have been more evidence required to convict him, such as damage on his vehicle or a witness. In the hospital, John was interviewed by the police officers for hours. When Button wished to stay silent, the officer punched him in the stomach several times. When he signed the confession the police officers left, and Button went into a corner to cry about his lost girlfriend.
Supported – Right to Appeal:
The right to an appeal is a person who has been convicted by a jury or has pleaded guilty and been sentenced by a court judge has a right of an appeal. An appeal is an application to a higher court by a party who believes that a decision of a lower court was incorrect. In 1963 the parole system came out giving Button a minimum of 5 years. When he got out, he tried everything to prove his innocence. In 1998, 30 years later there was news about the real killer Eric Edgar Cooke who murdered 8 other people and 14 attempted. In 2000 Button appealed and won his case, this appeal then led him to start a project in Perth that helps those wrongfully committed.
In conclusion, this case showed some flaws in the application of the Australian legal system and while since then there has been many improvements this is one of the rare times where the legal system was misused.
For health this term we were learning about social media, empathy, and respect. I really liked how there were videos instead of a ton of worksheets on this unit. we learned how to put us in other people’s shoes and making sure we are safe online. this is a very important subject to be teaching people our age to make sure we don’t do anything stupid online. Our task was to watch videos and we had to fill out questions on that video in our booklet. We had questions like “how would you feel in this situation,” which definitely gave me more of a sense of this social media problem when I thought about it. there was also a video about a lady who sent out a tweet and got so much hate that people with hundreds of thousands of followers sent out tweets about this lady’s tweet. This made me much more aware of these situations.
Camp was different from anything else we do in school. Its an escape from home, electronics, your family and school work. when we first got there I just stared at the view and then we were assigned to our dorms and then we were off to our first activity. My favourite activities were flying fox and abseiling.
For InnovatED in term 3, I did goal number 17 which used some of my skills from media to create a film with my group about what is happening in InnovatEd. Even though I did most of it my group helped me out a lot with the footage. When we showed it to the group it turned out really good.
Currently, I have got into video editing and I have quite a lot of experience with premiere pro which is the software I use to edit. There is a subject called media in project x that my school does which further improves my skills.