Stem in sport & wellbeing

InnovatED Stem in Sport & Wellbeing

Our project in Term 2 was to design a product that improved our target audience’s wellbeing and if we wanted to we could also include STEM in the sport into the project. When we were deciding on our target audiences we went through the service partners of ASC and saw which partners would be the best suitable for our projects. We had narrowed down our selection from RAAFA and Amana living, however, we ended up choosing RAAFA because we already had an ongoing program with them at the school.

As a group, we chose the elderly as our target audience and we investigated some of the problems that the elderly are currently having we narrowed this down to being stuck inside, little exercise, low amounts of socializing & restrictions because of covid-19. This was all a part of the emphasis phase of the ASC design thinking process.​ Our group thought of possible things we could create with the given time constraint and resources to best benefit our target audience. After two weeks of brainstorming, we only had two options left, Nature Journals and Bingo games. Mr. J helped us decide which one to do by suggesting to us that we should do both, so we did!

The way we designed and created our nature journals was a time-consuming process. We made our nature journals with recycled exercise books covered in recycled paper. Meaning, that we had to collect the materials before we could do anything. Olivia and I used some of our old books from older classes that we had as spares. We then had to find some paper which the year 5 + 6’s kindly let us use some of their paper. Next, we had to wrap all of the books in the paper, precisely. We then had to draw the letters on the book by hand and make them look near identical. Some benefits of our journals include exercise, socialization, and creativity.​ The purpose of the nature journals is to get the elderly outside in nature and socialize with others. ​

Our group was lucky enough to be able to receive great feedback from our audience one member of our group got to visit RAAFA to show our ideas and gain feedback and their opinions on our projects and if we had more time this could help us redesign and go back to the ideate phase to improve our product even more.​

The Capability wheel is a wheel that briefly outlines and explains the key stages of making a positive difference. Our group was very collaborative when we were designing the product and creating them. we made sure that we communicated well enough to have everyone’s ideas included and combined. We made sure that everyone was putting in the same amount of work. We were also quite creative with our ideas to make sure we were making something that the elderly residents at RAAFA would enjoy as well as ourselves. To make our product run smoothly we had to make sure we were organized as well.

Overall, this project was very fun and interesting to create and design as we were able to work with the elderly residents of RAAFA. Our group feels as if we’ve accomplished many things as well as helping improve the elderly’s socialization, exercise, and creativity.

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