We had a lengthy process to create the project. It started with a rough
script made by Abdullah, we used this as an outline to create the original
script. After Abdullah and I wrote the script, we got Ali and Aedan to edit it
and give criticism. After that, we started creating the storyboard but I was
off with RSV for 2 weeks. Once I got back and the storyboard was finished, we
started the filming, we first filmed the car scene, the elevator scene, and the
reception scene, after this we filmed the scenes in Kurt’s apartment, and after
that, we filmed the Penny scenes and finally, we filmed the hallway scene. This
wrapped up the filming, we were editing while we were filming but we weren’t
done yet as we had to edit a bunch more scenes and finish the final count.

We produced our original because of the inspiration from the big bang s
theory. Aedan wanted to do a sitcom that got us to think about ideas, this is
when we thought of the big bang theory, we first started by making them dumb
but then we switched their personalities with Penny making Penny a genius and the
rest idiots. We finally figured out that the opposite of a smart science guy
was a dumb flat earth believer and we made the boys like them. We decided to
adapt a lot of the story while making Sheldon and Leonard the people to move
in, we still had a bunch of original ideas like the flat earth meeting between
Sheldon, Leonard, and Howard.

We had some issues with getting our media project done. the first issue we
had is that we weren’t able to get Jaiden Collins for filming in media classes,
we had to get all of Jaiden’s scenes in one Tuesday afternoon which meant we
had to do with some rough scenes as we didn’t have enough time to refilm them.
The second issue was when I got RSV, because of this we took a long time to do
the storyboard as I was working on it with Abdullah. This made us not able to
do filming until later in term three and made us have to rush a lot of the
filming. Finally, we had an issue with our actors as we weren’t able to get our
Howard actor, which meant that we had to merge Howard and Raj’s lines and
actions. This was hard as we had to change a fair bit of the script to fit the

We would not do a sitcom next time, we need a good cast and a good script to
make it funny and interesting, and we didn’t have that. another thing I would have
changed would be the lack of reading the script, we didn’t memorize the script, and most of the time we didn’t have the script up and ready causing us to have some really bad lines for some scenes. we also would have not procrastinated
and just joked around for a lot of the time, because of this we didn’t have
much time left and we couldn’t re-film some of our not-so-good scenes.

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