Project Utopia

The Giver

In class, we had a focus on the giver which gave us a full understanding of what is utopia. In English, we had to read a book during the school holidays to understand everything from project utopia. We had a full discussion of what the book talks about utopia which tells us from the book it’s a perfect world to live in and had no problems with their world. We had to do a task that told us what was so good about having a dystopia world or a utopia world. Plus, we have an assessment about what makes a good poster that we design of what the utopia represented us.


During class in Humanities, we had to define what is a liveable city. As a class, we all had a better definition of what makes a good city. We all had to learn and listen to the documentary of what is a good city “Urbanized” English that helps us with some ideas of a good liveable city. We all had an assessment to do from Humanities about all the different question that connects to what a good city is. We had to do an English assessment that helps us connect the question of what makes this city’s ideas so special that we can incorporate some of the design.

Futures of Fremantle

When we had innovated ed we all had to listen to our new project for the news. Project Utopia was the project that everyone had to work on. When the 2 people that work for the Fremantle port told us the idea of working on it to make the port move to Kiwanna. The Fremantle port told us to think of many ideas to use this idea of having no limit on the currency. We also had to work in groups to do a vision board with all the pictures of our design and having list of things to say to the parents on the grandparent day.

Going to Fremantle

We all as a group went to Fremantle port to go and see how big it is and where we should put our building ideas to see if they’re able to fit. The maritime museum helps us with all the history of the port that led to us that Fremantle was not connected to WA. We all saw the landscape of a view that led to us to many areas. Plus, we had used the booklet of answering all the question to the solving question to helps us with our following project.

Vision Boards

As a group we all did our vision board and work on some photos ideas to add on the vision we also had to presents this to the grandparents on the day itself. We all had to rush the vision board to get this done before the grandparent’s day itself. We all had been finished and presenting to the grandparents to show us the ideas with the photo that we had been using for the project utopia with Fremantle port with the ideas and having many groups showing their ideas to.

Global Goals

Going into the future we need to keep in mind the United Nations’ global goals. Being sustainable is extremely important for our designs. I want to be living in a future of a healthy city. We must use this global goal setting for our design to think of what people from the public as Fremantle citizens should stay and go.


When my group and I presented our idea, I learnt many new skills. Effective communication and problem-solving when presenting to a crowd. I learnt some stuff that body language is an essential part of public speaking success, pause, pitch, pace and power. Some parents ask hard questions to answer. But my group can help to figure out the question and answer the best way to conclude.


On showcase day we had to tell our speech to the audience with my group when we had to tell our ideas for the Fremantle Project to say to the parents. We all had to go be silent, so Toby and Sarah introduced the project to the parents. That helps us lead to us by introducing different groups of parents to our part of the Fremantle Port to this area. Then we had to finish the project we had also say to incorporate the idea into the speech that we had finished for the speech.

By J.F.