Sleek Geeks Science Video


In this project, we had to make a video addressing the idea of “change”. For this project, my group (Leah W, Saskia C and I) and I chose the idea of climate change. Our idea was choosing an animal affected by climate change, polar bears, and making them be in pain, people would want to know how they die, so they would be inclined to listen.

Our Conception

Story Board

Hastily drawn by me

Chain of events:

  • Someone (a) sees polar bear on ice berg
  • Someone (b) else comes and freaks out
  • Last person (c) comes in and says that they will all eventually die
  • a & b are surprised and ask how they die
  • c explains climate change
  • c says air cons kill polar bears
  • a starts crying, b is shocked
  • c says it isn’t true but goes towards killing polar bears
  • b finds solution to reducing emissions
  • advertises WWF
  • End


To help our group get our video done on time, we gave each-other certain roles. I was given the task of the story board and some researching. Leah was given the role of writing the script and some researching. Saskia wasn’t at school for two or so lessons, so she didn’t have to do any researching. Instead we all agreed on Saskia doing the editing of the video once we finished recording.

We all had opportunities to share ideas with each other as it felt like a safe space to do so. Everyone ended up contributing ideas to the final product. Saskia and Leah brought oodies to use (Saskia’s idea), Leah wrote the script so therefore adding her ideas, and I was the first one who proposed the idea of doing polar bears drowning.

If we were to do this project again, I think we could have decided on an idea earlier as we didn’t really know what we should do. It would have saved time and given us more time to do things like make the storyboard or write the script. Overall our organisation was pretty good.


We didn’t have any disagreements during this project. Choosing an idea wasn’t really a disagreement because we didn’t have many ideas that we wanted to do.

A reason that we didn’t have a disagreement could be because we had somewhat similar personalities and agreed on pretty much everything. We were allowed to choose our own groups, resulting in this.

Finishing the project

We managed to finish our project on time. We did have a few technical difficulties in sending the edited video from Saskia’s phone to our computers, but we managed to find a way to do it. Originally, we finished the second last lesson, but we received feedback of our science being wrong, and had to use a voice over and cut out the original speech. But in the video it sounds ok.

If I were to repeat this project again, I’m not sure what I would change as it went quite well. I would probably get the speech checked before we recorded as we wouldn’t have to use voice overs for mistakes. We could probably make it simpler as well since I’m not sure if everyone would understand the science terms, as it’s meant for all audiences.

Overall I think this project was a success and my group and I worked well together.