During my time working on this project, I have learnt many things, shown the powers i knew i already had and was able to learn new skills and demonstrate powers i didn’t know that i could demonstrate. One other thing that i learnt during my time in the project is how different peoples approaches to the same challenge can be and a main challenge was combining all the ideas our team had, combining them with our skill sets to be able to make a high quality, useful project that people can use to make others lives, better. We began with writing down all of our ideas and evaluating them in a mind map and collecting the ideas that we may have just come up with, prompted by the ideas before us. We then went to go and visit the Nulsen home and we saw the people we would be helping, what they liked and any places that they have previously been that they particularity enjoyed and would like to go back. I found this trip really interesting as Nulsen is very good at making disabled peoples lives as normal as possible and i loved seeing where the residents lived and the ways that their rooms were suited to fit their interests. I found this very useful as we can see what each people liked and then we were able to create themes that we could find which categories to research in to get the best places based on the users interests. We collected the information the following week and then 2 of us started to make a prototype website and then i started to research places to find that would be wheelchair friendly, be good for their fine motor skills, wasn’t too far away and was able to hold many people. A main theme we came about was wildlife so i found places such as http://www.perthzoo.com, and other places. Our teamwork was key in this part of the project as we then combined the research that i had with the prototype website that the boys made, i whipped together a quick PowerPoint and we were ready to present our idea to Nulsen representatives. We had used a lot of teamwork, communication, passion, knowledge, creativity, patience and many more. This is only the beginning of this project and we are continuing to refine our idea and make the project better each day.