“a team is like a body, they all work fine independently but together they work better.”
Above I have a quote that I feel sums up the way that I personally feel that our group used teamwork on year nine camp because as the camp became longer, we found that we trusted each other a little more and worked better as a more collective team rather than just in our individual groups.
I was in group 1 rotation one on year 9 camp meaning that I was on camp from the 27th of August to the 4th of July. The purpose of year 9 camp, according to Mr Zaurs is to ‘ the keys of this program is to go slow, to get to know other people, to explore the Murchison River’, the camp was based around us getting to know the other people in our team and learning how to work well with people we don’t generally talk to. This idea takes us back to our college values of empathy, respect, integrity and courage or ERIC for short. Using these values is how to can get people to respect and trust you and intern, allow you to do the same to them allowing us, by the end of camp, to have nine people that know each other better than before and, for the most part, knew how to work well with each other and trust them. A game I felt help our group branch out was a game called ‘Angels’ where you would pick a name out of a hat and you would need to be their ‘Angel’ for the day, being kind to them, giving them complements that sort of thing, and at the end of the day around the campfire you would try and guess who your angel was. That game really made you talk to people that you wouldn’t really have talked too otherwise, and I feel it also helped break the ice between the group and boundaries that had been build up back at school.
One time I feel that our group as a whole showed teamwork on camp was when packing up the food in camp Kalbarri when we first arrived. We needed to pack up food from this small shop into bins that we would be using at different points on camp. Once we had packed them, we then needed to fit the food into our very full packs. We each did our bit and tried to pack as much food as we could without our packs overflowing. We got better at this as camp went on as I feel that we got over the initial shock of us actually having to carry our own food and the teachers weren’t going to do it for us so I feel we took much more care from then on in packing our packs a little tighter so that we could pack the food quicker and get on our way. When actually cooking our little cooking group worked collaboratively together as a team to cook the food quickly and then clean up quickly each doing our own little jobs. My group consisted of Eva, James K and Ollie M and by the end of camp we were able to cook food better then at the start of camp and in half the time.
Overall camp really helped build our teamwork and leadership skills whist also being a fun way to get to know different people in our year group.