Kelvin town

Wayne’s world 5 is the name of the world in Minecraft that we play on Friday afternoon for 2 periods. The currency is red tulips, you can buy anything from the bank with tulips or you can trade with other city’s. We got into groups of 3 and designed a city/ town and put in into Minecraft. My city’s name is Kelvin Town and we have a 2 house parliament of law.


City’s are livable by having : Cool stuff, inclusivity and wealth. Everyone needs to be safe and protected and feel that way at all times. Breathing fresh air and having the best electricity system is what’s in my city.

Cool stuff

Our city’s are supposed to have a lot of cool stuff and memorial’s to entertain the member’s and citizen’s of our or a signature shop or place, most city’s have a lot of cool stuff and memorials. Our city doesn’t have that much cool stuff but we are building them now. Cool stuff is tourist attractions that tourists’ will check the cool stuff out and say thats cool.

Survival mode

Right now we’re in survival mode, we have to buy stuff from other city’s and the bank, we live of the food that we planted and the farms we created when we were in creative mode. We can trade food and resources to other city’s and buy from them. We will have a war in a couple days which we fight other city’s and make alliances with other city’s.


Inclusivity is when you make public spaces were people feel safe and a place where they want to be. Our city is a satisfactory level of inclusivity because we have a couple houses and one hotel. We have all types of food in our city because people can be vegan, so we have food for all. We have a public train station built for everon, a under water aquarium and a lot more.


Wealth is not only tulips it’s what have built and the buildings you have. Wealth is the blocks we have and the resources we have. Our city has 2159 tulip’s the currency for Wayne’s world, these tulips include ampere coin a type of crypto currency that Ali made. The tulips can be farmed so if you have bone meal you can regenerate tulips with them. Wealth is the amount of area you have and the space you have that to be used.

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