
uring this semester o ceramics, we have been building cups and teapots from porcelain clay and improving our sis along the way. This post is about the changes and challenges I had to overcome to complete my project and to my standards

  • Did you meet targets throughout the project?

I made the pot that I ha aspire to make, Within a reasonable time frame with minimal difficulties in the construction and execution o my teapot. Every few lessons I was making changes to my pot, slowly improving on the original lump of clay I had started with, and transforming it into a working, functional teapot

  • How did you develop your design/s? What were your influences?

I found a bunch of cool animal-based teapot designs that had a flowy feel about them that I liked and wanted to incorporate into my teapot. and all the parts were incorporated smoothly into the design.

  • What worked? What didn’t? How did you resolve issues with materials?

At first, I tried using the darts method that Fleur Schell showed us, but it was a lot harder than it actually looked, so I had to use the coil method, but in the end, I think that that was actually the better option because it allowed me the wall thickness to carve the grooves into the clay, and manipulate it into a better. The floor caved in at one point during the process, which I thought I would have to redo, but I just patched it up and waited for it to harden up before beginning again. Another issue I had with the clay was that I could never get the size o the parts right so it I got it wrong I would have to redo it again an again just to get it right.

  • The success of the final work

I think that the success of my final work was actually very good, and I added a few things in the end that weren’t in the original sketch, but added to the overall design like the eye stalks.

End product –

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