Evaluate your skills in drawing your self portrait. This should be a detailed response – what were you good at, what did you struggle with? Do you think your work is successful? Why?
In regards to my drawing skills, I think that my details are not quite there. The amount of detail I put into the face and hair is practically not existent and they mostly consist of values and contrast. I think that I could definitely improve on the details of the drawing, But I got bored and the details were really hard to draw so I left them out. I struggles with the details and also the amount of time it takes to do the hair. I think I messed up the whole portrait, because I went in with too dark of a colour when the original drawing I made was probably the best and most accurate, but I changed it and then it wound up looking less and less realistic, but I kept trying to fix it so I wound up here.
What has been the most helpful or interesting technique you have learning during the traditional drawing?
I think the most helpful technique was to go in really light first and layer up the layers to get darker and darker. Another was to use the side of a pencil to get a less streaky look to the strokes, and I think that helped a lot in the shading of the shirt.
Write about the process in detail, from taking the photo, to transferring your drawing to the board to finish you drawing. What choices did you make?
It took me like 2 weeks to get a suitable photo that was at the right angle and had enough contrast too. After taking the photo, I practices drawing parts on the same special paper our final portraits would be on, and then after that tried my hand at transferring. Transferring is just scribbling pencil on the back of a photo, then laying it down and tracing the features of the face, and because of the pencil graphite on the back, what you drew gets drawn into the paper underneath. It was a very effective practice that helped for my drawing to be more accurate, but after I kept erasing everything kind of got a bit lost in the values.